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The three galleries of images on this page are of the three dioramas I created for my senior project back in early 2015. Each one is detailed to the best of my abilities and resources to show an accurate depiction of the battles. I visited each battlefields and carefully examined the layout of the land. Then I hand painted the individual soldiers and officers using artwork made during and after the American Revolution. Eventually the base for each was build and the landscapes were crafted and the soldiers glued down. The final step was to add the grass texture which gave the dioramas a more life like appearance. Eventually I plan to build a diorama of the Battle of Cowpens and am currently making two dioramas of Major Joseph Winston Mustering his Men at the Surry Muster Field and the Battle of Kings Mountain to go on permanent display at the Elkin Trail and Heritage Center upon its completion. 

The Battle of Camden 

This diorama the tragic events of the Battle of Camden. In the far corner you can see Major General Horatio Gates fleeing the battle with some militia following behind him. Camden is the second most graphic diorama out of the three. It shows several Continental casualties and a British Grenadier whose head has been blown off by a cannon ball. All the Continental and British units are represented on the diorama with those being: Continental Regulars, Armand’s Legion Dragoons, Patriot Militia, British Regulars, Hessian, British Grenadiers, and British Legion Dragoons. If you look inside the tent behind the British line you will see several small details like: a picture of Lord Cornwallis’s late wife, maps, Books, and other things Lord Cornwallis may have traveled with.  All the key officers are present on the diorama as well. Those officers are: Major General Horatio Gates, Major General Barron Johann De Kalb, Colonel Charles Armand, Lord Charles Cornwallis, Lord Francis Rawdon, and Lt. colonel Banistre Tarleton.        

The Battle of Guilford Courthouse

This diorama shows the climactic fight of the third line from the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The diorama shows the British Army locked in headed combat with Major General Nathanael Greene’s Continental Soldiers. Guilford Courthouse is the most graphic of the dioramas due to the fact it shows the gruesome effect of the Grape Shot Lord Charles Cornwallis fired into the fighting. Grapeshot was known to tare a soldier to pieces. The building on the diorama represents the Guilford County Courthouse for which the battle gets its name which is where Greene set up his third line. The diorama shows all the types of soldiers who were involved in the battle those being: Militia, Continental Soldiers, the 3rd Continental Light Dragoons, Lee’s Legion Dragoons, British Regulars, Hessian's, British Grenadiers, and British Legion Dragoons. All the key officers are present on the diorama as well. Those officers are: Major General Nathanael Greene, Lt. Colonel William Washington, Lt. Colonel Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee, Lord Charles Cornwallis, Brigadier General Charles O’Hara, and Colonel James Webster.                

The Siege of Yorktown   

This diorama shows the climax of the Siege of Yorktown with the attacks on Redoubts 9 and 10. Redoubt 10 was attacked by Continental Forces under Alexander Hamilton and the Marquis de Lafayette. Redoubt 9 was attacked by French forces under Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm von Zweibrücken. The diorama shows several different types of soldiers used by the allied forces which are: Continental Infantry, Armand’s Legion Dragoons, Continental and French Artillery Soldiers, French Infantry, and French Grenadiers. On the opposite end of the diorama you can see Lord Charles Cornwallis and Brigadier General Charles O’Hara watching the bombardment of their fortifications. Several British units are present on the dioramas those being: British Regulars, British Grenadiers, The British Legion, and some Hessians. Behind the British Line is a French Warship which is helping seal off the British’s escape route. All the key officers are present on the diorama as well. Those officers are: General George Washington, Major General Benjamin Lincoln, the Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, the Comte de Rochambeau, the Comte de Grasse, Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm von Zweibrücken, Lord Charles Cornwallis, and Brigadier General Charles O’Hara

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